Born and raised in Mt and a resident of the Flathead Valley for 25 yrs. I am home in the outdoors and I love photography. So, thats why you see the nature images here too.
I am committed to a professional experience working hand in hand the contractors and home owners, designers and other artisans. Life is not perfect and things come up in this line of work, communication is huge in my book. If something comes up while we are working together it is critical that is shared in a timely fashion.
20 plus years of high end tile installation experience . I have been lucky in so many ways to have lived in the Flathead all this time, some of the most beautiful homes ANYWHERE are right here.
Parade of Homes Award winner 2006 (peoples choice) , Parades of homes installer 2017, 2018, 2019 and HGTV dream home installer 2018. 406.885.3727